Saturday 19 November 2011

Mass - Introduction

Today we will learn about a new topic - Mass.

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The more matter in an object, the heavier the object will be. The less matter in an object, the lighter the object will be.

For example:

Try to move a wooden table. After that try to move a wooden chair. Which one is easier to move?

It should be the wooden chair because the wooden table has more mass than a wooden chair.

Another example:

Try to lift a brick. After that, try to lift a small bag of sand. Which one is easier to lift?

It should be the small bag of sand because the small bag of sand is lighter than a brick.

Now you get the idea of mass and how to compare them. Before we end our lesson for today, look at the picture below. Which one has more mass? The stones or the water?

Answer: The Stones because in the picture shown, there Stones are heavier than the water. Hence, when Stones are heavier than water, this means stones have more mass than water.

That is all for today. Thank you.

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