Monday 21 November 2011

Volume Of Liquid - Introduction

Volume of liquid is the amount of space occupied by liquid.

For example, a bottle half filled with water, a tea pot fully filled with tea and others. These are volume.

(The empty spaces in this bottle can be filled by liquid)

(The volume is not necessarily the same for each bottle)

If an object (for example, a bottle) is big, it has more volume, so it can hold more amount of water.

Now, look at the picture below, if all bottles are filled with waters, which bottle has the most volume and which bottle has the least volume?

The first bottle from left is the smallest, therefore, it has the least volume.

The last bottle from left is the biggest, so it has the most volume among all the bottles shown above.

In the next topic, we will discuss about the units of volume. Thank you.

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